An Interview with Katalin Molnar (in English and Hungarian)

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune means the body mistakenly produces antibodies that damage its own tissues. It is a permanent intestinal intolerance to dietary gluten. A number of serious health consequences can result if the condition is not diagnosed and treated properly.

Katalin is a lady from Hungary, who has been suffering from celiac disease for many years. She tries her best to maintain a gluten free diet at all times. However, unfortunately, sometimes she can accidentally consume food with hidden gluten that can cause her to have diarrhea. 

I met Katalin in October 2008 in Sopron, Hungary. She started consuming DXN RG, GL and Spirulina for 3 months, which led to an improvement of her general health.
When I met her again in March 2009 in Budapest, she looked healthy. According to her, she maintains a symptom free constitution even though occasionally she might accidentally consume food containing gluten. 

On 10th January 2011, I had the pleasure of having her in Kuala Lumpur to share her testimony with us.


In people with celiac disease, the immune system reacts abnormally to gluten, causing small bowel inflammation and damage. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats.

DXN RG, GL, Spirulina are all functional food, which are able to balance the immune system. When the immune system is balanced, it will not attack the villi in the intestine, thus inflammation in the intestine is subsided and healing of damaged villi can take place.

Patients with celiac disease should take this range of DXN products on a long term basis to experience the healing effects.

In the Hungarian Language

A cöliákia (gluténszenzitív enteropátia) egy autoimmun betegség. Az autoimmun azt jelenti, hogy a test tévesen termel antitesteket, amelyek a saját szöveteket pusztítják. Ez egy állandó bélrendszeri intolerancia étkezési glutén hatására. Számos komoly egészségügyi következménnyel járhat, hogyha nem diagnosztizálják és kezelik megfelelően.

Katalin egy hölgy Magyarországról, aki cöliákiában szenved sok éve már. Mindent megtesz, hogy gluténmentes étrendet folytasson. Sajnos olykor előfordul, hogy néha, véletlen olyan ételt fogyaszt, amelyben rejtve glutén található és ez hasmenést okoz nála.

2008. októberében találkoztam Katalinnal Sopronban, Magyarországon. Miután 3 hónapig fogyasztotta a DXN RG-t, GL-t és Spirulinát, javulás állt be az általános egészségügyi állapotában.

Amikor legközelebb találkoztunk Budapesten, 2009. márciusában, egészségesnek nézett ki. Elmondása szerint folyamatos tünetmentes állapotnak örvend, akkor is, ha néha tévedésből olyan ételt fogyaszt, amely glutént tartalmaz.

2011. január 10-én abban szerencsés helyzetbe kerültem, hogy Kuala Lumpurban látogatott, hogy megossza velünk tapasztalatát.


A cöliákiában szenvedő betegek immunrendszere rendellenes reagál a gluténre, amely apró bélgyulladásokat és károkat okoz. A glutén egy fehérje, amely búzában, rozsban, árpában és zabban található.

A DXN RG, GL és Spirulina az EU területén étrend-kiegészítőként forgalmazott termékek, melyek többszáz aktív összetevőjüknek köszönhetően képesek egyensúlyba állítani az immunrendszert. Ha az immunrendszer egyensúlyban van, akkor nem fogja támadni a bélbolyhokat, ezáltal a gyulladások a belekben enyhülnek és megkezdődhet a sérült bélbolyhok gyógyulása.

A cöliákiában szenvedő betegeknek javasolt ezen DXN termékek hosszú távú fogyasztása, hogy a kedvező hatást tapasztalják.

德信公司的饮料 (专给六岁以上的孩童)







Health Drink for Kids for Immune System Enhancement and Brain Concentration (DXN Products Family Cocktail)

Do you have any idea of what your children have been consuming when they are not at home? Kids enjoy eating snacks which are high in sugar, salt, preservatives and even colouring. This video shows how to make a cocktail beverage for school-going children, which is not only thirst-quenching but which is also healthy and nutritious. This is to enhance their immune system to protect them from dangerous virus and bacteria.

As you have seen in previous articles, DXN Cordypine and Morinzhi play an important role in getting rid of colouring residue from the cells in the body. Hence the children are able to stay healthy and ensure a balance of pH in their body. An acidic body will make them feel sleepy and lose concentration in class. That is one of the main factors why some kids are not able to do well in school today.

DXN GL powder is mixed together with the cocktail in order to boost the oxygen level in the brain of the children. This enables them to stay focused during their class while also quickly repairing the cells which were damaged by the preservatives and colouring found in the snacks that they were consuming.

DXN Fruzim is a kind of fruit enzyme consisting of naturally fermented peach and plum. This helps them in digestion, especially for kids who do not like to take greens, fruits and vegetables. The enzyme helps to prevent childhood obesity.

Therefore parents, rest assured that with this cocktail made everyday, your children will not only enjoy a healthy and delicious beverage in school, the environment of their body will also be changed to a disease free zone. Prevention of degenerative disease and cancer has to begin with health education during childhood.

Koktail / Jus Minuman Produk DXN untuk Kanak-Kanak (Umur 6 tahun ke atas)

Adakah anda tahu apa yang anak anda telah makan ketika mereka tidak berada di rumah? Kanak-kanak suka makan makanan ringan yang tinggi gula, garam, bahan pengawet bahkan pewarna. Video ini menunjukkan cara membuat minuman untuk kanak-kanak bersekolah, yang bukan sahaja dapat memuaskan haus tetapi juga sihat dan berkhasiat. Ia dapat meningkatkan sistem imun untuk melindungi mereka daripada virus dan bakteria merbahaya.

Seperti yang anda telah baca dalam artikel sebelum ini, DXN Cordypine dan Morinzhi memainkan peranan penting dalam menyingkir pewarna daripada sel tubuh. Oleh itu kanak-kanak dapat kekal sihat dan memastikan keseimbangan pH dalam tubuh. Badan berasid akan membuat mereka berasa mengantuk dan tidak dapat menumpu perhatian di kelas. Ini adalah salah satu faktor utama mengapa sesetengah kanak-kanak gagal mencapai kecermerlangan di sekolah.

Serbuk GL DXN dicampur dengan minuman ini untuk merangsang paras oksigen dalam otak kanak-kanak. Ini membolehkan mereka tetap fokus semasa belajar sementara memperbaiki dengan cepat sel yang dirosakkan oleh bahan pengawet dan pewarna yang ditemui dalam makanan ringan yang dimakan.

DXN Fruzim adalah sejenis enzim buah-buahan yang difermentasi secara semula jadi daripada pic dan plum. Ini membantu mereka dalam pencernaan, terutamanya bagi kanak-kanak yang tidak suka sayuran hijau, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Enzim dapat membantu mengelakkan obesiti kanak-kanak.

Maka ibu bapa, yakinlah dengan minuman ini yang disediakan setiap hari, anak anda bukan sahaja dapat menikmati minuman yang sihat dan berkhasiat di sekolah, persekitaran tubuh mereka juga berubah menjadi zon bebas penyakit. Pencegahan penyakit degeneratif dan kanser harus bermula dengan pendidikan kesihatan pada zaman kanak-kanak.

DXN Products Cocktail / Juice for Children (Aged 6 years and above)

Do you have any idea of what your children have been consuming when they are not at home? Kids enjoy eating snacks which are high in sugar, salt, preservatives and even colouring. This video shows how to make a cocktail beverage for school-going children, which is not only thirst-quenching but which is also healthy and nutritious. This is to enhance their immune system to protect them from dangerous virus and bacteria.

As you have seen in previous articles, DXN Cordypine and Morinzhi play an important role in getting rid of colouring residue from the cells in the body. Hence the children are able to stay healthy and ensure a balance of pH in their body. An acidic body will make them feel sleepy and lose concentration in class. That is one of the main factors why some kids are not able to do well in school today.

DXN GL powder is mixed together with the cocktail in order to boost the oxygen level in the brain of the children. This enables them to stay focused during their class while also quickly repairing the cells which were damaged by the preservatives and colouring found in the snacks that they were consuming.

DXN Fruzim is a kind of fruit enzyme consisting of naturally fermented peach and plum. This helps them in digestion, especially for kids who do not like to take greens, fruits and vegetables. The enzyme helps to prevent childhood obesity.

Therefore parents, rest assured that with this cocktail made everyday, your children will not only enjoy a healthy and delicious beverage in school, the environment of their body will also be changed to a disease free zone. Prevention of degenerative disease and cancer has to begin with health education during childhood.