Day 6 (19 Oct) - DEBRECEN - 2nd Ganotherapy Health Talk

On Monday, we set of our journey from Budapest took almost 3 hours journey to a city in northast of Hungary - Debrecen. It is the second largest city after Budapest. Ms. Reka Fozo is one of the locals in Debrecen and greeted us with a very warm welcome. We had a short interview session for local radio channel before the ganotherapy conference took place. Ms. Reka was the interpreter for us on the day and assisted us in the interview and the talk session. We are very grateful that she was so willing to help us despite she was told about the interpretation session today on short notice.

My assistant has never been to a cold country before and he is a very active man back in Malaysia. Due to the drastic change of weather his minute blood vessels on his palms and soles shrunk. Henceforth the toxic could not be eliminated from his body through the blood stream. It appeared to be a minor frostbite but he pain he had was excruciating. He was not even able to turn the door knob or open a water bottle cap. I finally got him to drink 30 ml of Cordypine and the result demonstrated on the next morning. His blisters subsided and his pain was gone. The pictures above was the process of healing subsequently from 60 ml of Cordypine. The pineapple enzyme works wonderfully in human body especially related to blood circulation problem. The anti-inflammation content reduced his pain and his fingers could move normally by the time he consumed the 2nd dose of Cordypine of the day.

The Picture on the right above: Mr Kocso Laszlo who is on the left is the main host throughout our journey whilst Mr Steven Eshtevan is a great friend and a great leader who ushered us to every conference in Budapest and Hungary region.

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