Back to the birthplace of DXN in Budapest, Hungary 8.12.12

After bidding goodbye to Slovakia, we headed to Budapest by train and conducted a brief ganotherapy session in  Budapest. The DXN market and consumers have grown so much since the day DXN was first introduced in Europe. I was given a short lecture about health and preventive science for about 1.5 hours in front of more than 300 audience. The crowd was massive. 



 Mr. Kócsó and Mr. Böczkös were presenting me this wonderful custom made T-shirt as a gift.


Another achievement made by one of the great leaders in Hungary, Mr.Bussy Sandor.

Mr. Szabolc is giving an inspiring speech during the conference. 


Mr. Kócsó Laszlo and Fodor Anikó. The wonderful couple who was the first pioneer in DXN Europe.

Mr. Szilard and Mr. Szabolc

Ms. Ildiko Barile, with her daughter Karina sent her Christmas regards to me with her own hand-made Christmas card. Thank you Ildiko, Pasquale and Karina.

Panna and Ms. Andrea Borsay. The mother and daughter of the DXN Hungary country manager, Mr. Istvan.

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