We checked out of Novotel Hotel at around 11.45am before we left for Pócsmegyer, which is located North East of 40 minutes drive from Budapest. It was Saturday and Mr. Kócsó László brought us a relaxing ride to the town. We had good lunch with the leaders and members of Pócsmegyer not far away from the presentation venue. It was definitely good lunch with great Hungarian cuisines.
I did a simple survey this morning when my assistant and I had breakfast on this Saturday morning. Among all the guests who are heaving breakfast in the hotel, 99% of them have at least 3 pieces of ham on their plates for breakfast. Can you imagine how much can eating habits affects the destiny of our health in our near future? Think again.
Kedves Jane!
ReplyDeleteSajnos még csak magyarul tudok írni, de az egyik első megvalósítandó tervem, hogy megtanuljak angolul.
Nagyon jó lenne néha tolmács nélkül beszélgetnünk.
Nagyon köszönöm azt a rengeteg munkát, amit a mi DXN üzleteink építésébe fektetsz!
Tegnap több, mint 180 ember hallgatott Téged Szlovákiában, Pöstényben.
Már eddig is óriási lendülettel haladtak a szlovák és a cseh üzlettársaink, de a tegnapi nap után "robbanásra" készülhetünk!
Isten gazdagon áldjon meg!
Dear Jane!
ReplyDelete(The previous comment was created by my father, and I'd like to help you to make it more understandable.)
Unforunately, I speak only Hungarian, but one of my first plans is to learn english.
It would be very good to talk without any interpreter.
Thank you so much that many work, what you invest into our DXN bussiness.
Yesterday, more than 180 people listened to you in Pöstény,Slovakia.
Our slovak and czech bussiness partners have done this job with a huge speed, and after yesterday we sholud prepare for a large "explosion".
God bless you!
Ms Jane, you have done great work in Hungary and I wish you all the success.